Numerics - 2nd Brain / 3-Amigos
A - About / Abscessing / Acetyl L Carnitine (ALCar) (product page) / Acetyl L Carnitine (ALCar) (IR/EMS) / Acid (Stomach) / ACTH / ACV (IR/EMS) / Adrenocorticotropic / Agnus Castus (Vitex agnus-castus) / Agrobs Myo Protein Flakes / Akkermansia / Alfalfa / Alleviate, Detox & Fortify / Aloe vera juice / Amino Acids / Amino acid deficiency / Amylase / Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) / Antibiotic creams / Antiobiotics (Coat & Skin) / Antibiotics (The Microbiome) / Antibodies / Antigen / Anti-inflammatory / Antioxidants / Anxiolytic herbs / Apoptosis / Archaea / Ash content / Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) / Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) / ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) / Autoimmunity / Autoimmune response (Microbiome) /
B - B6 / B-Vitamins / B-vitamin deficiency / Bacteriophages / Barefoot / Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) / Barleygrass (Hordeum spp.) / Bile (Detoxification) / Bile (Digestion) / Bile secretion / BioCARE / BiomeTonic / Bladderwrack Granules (Fucus vesiculosis) / Blindness / Bloat (belly) / Blockage / Blog / Blood / Blood pressure / Blood storage / Blood sugar regulation / Body Tissue Regeneration (Blog) / Bolus / Bone injuries / Bone marrow / Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) / Bovine papilloma virus / BPV / Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) / BreathePlus / Brewers Yeast (Blog) / Burdock (Arctium lappa) /
C - Calcium / Calendula Flowers (Calendula officinalis) / Calming / CalmTonic / Calories (Blog) / Cancellation Policy / Carb-intolerant / Carbohydrate metabolism / C.A.R.E. Immunity Programme / Case Studies / Cecum / Celery Seed (Apium graveolens) / Cells / Cellulitis / Cellulose fibre (Gut) / Certification Documents / Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) / Charcoal / Chelated minerals / Chewing / Chickweed (Stellaria media) / Chloride / Choke / Chronic ongoing cough (KPU) / Chronic Immune Dysfunction (CID) / Chronic Progressive Lymphedema (CPL) / Chyme / CIrculatory systems / Clays / Cleavers (Galium aperine) / Clostridium / Coat & Skin / Coat change (Blog) / Colic prevention / Colon / Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) / Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum spp.) / Compacted waste / Complaints Procedure / Conjunctivitis / Contact / Control System / Copper / Coprophagia / Cough - constant, chronic / Cough supplement / Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus) / Crest/Fat Pads / Cryptopyrroluria/KPU / Culicoides / Curly coat / Cushings/PPID / CushTonic / Cysteine
D - Dandelion Leaf (Taraxacum officinale) / Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) / Decontaminating / Depression (Human) / Dermatitis / Dermatology / Detoxification / Devils Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) / Diagnoses / Diarrhoea / Digesta / Digestive enzymes / Digestive process / Digestive system / Disclaimer / Does food matter? / Dopamine / DuoBute / Dysbacteriosis / Dysbiosis / Dysbiosis/Sibo/Leaky Gut Syndrome / Dysbiosis (The Microbiome)
E - Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) / Eco-Friendly Packaging Pledge / Elecampane (Inula helenium) / Eleuthero / Elimination / EMS - Equine Metabolic Syndrome / Empty stomach / Endocrine System / Endotoxins (Herxheimer Reaction) / Energy / Energy - proprionate, butyrate and acetate (EMS/IR) / Enteric Nervous System / Environment / Enzymes (digestive) / EOTRH (KPU / Epigenetics / Epstein-Barr / EquiVita/VitaComplete Mineral Solutions / EquiVita Range / EquiVita / ERU / Essential Amino Acids / Everything's Wrong / Exostosis / Eyes / Eye (orbital) pads, swollen / Eyebright (Euphrasia spp.) / EyeTonic
F - Faecal water / Faecal water/gastric ulcer connection / Farmacy / Fasting blood sugar test / Fat (Digestion / Fat-soluble waste / The Feedbowl - what's really in those feedbags / Feeding Our Horses to Health / Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) / Fermentation (fibre) / FIbre (Gut system) / Fight/Flight / Filtration organs / Fix the cell to get well / Flora / Foal diarrhea / Foal digestion / Forage balanced minerals / Foal's Microbiome / Food intolerances (Leaky Gut/Autoimmunity) / Forage (Gut system) / Foregut / Free radicals / Fructose / Functional Medicine / Fussy Eaters
G - Garlic Powder, Organic (Allium sativum) / Gastric ulcer/faecal water connection / Gastrointestinal tract (GI) / Gene expression / Ginger (Zingiber officinale) / Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba/Maidenhair) / Glands / Glandular ulcers / Glucosamine / Glucose / Glutamine / Glutathione (Ulcers) / Golden Rod (Solidago virgaurea) / Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) / Granulomas / Green Tea Sencha (Camellia sinensis) / Grehlin hormone / The Gut System / GutAminos / Gut:Brain connection / GutCARE / Gut:Immune connection / Gut wall membrane
H - Hair / Hay - steam it, don't soak it (Blog) / Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus monogyna) / Hawthorn Flowering Tops (Crataegus monogyna) / Hay / Haylage, and why we shouldn't feed it / Heat (Blog) / Herbal Glossary / Herbal Nutrition by Condition / Herbal therapy / The Herbarium / Herbs & Botanicals / Herxheimer reaction / Hindgut / Hindgut Acidosis / Hindgut ulcers (Introduction) / Hindgut Ulcers / Histamine intolerance (Blog) / Hives / Homeostasis / Hormones / Hormone regulation / Holy Basil/Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) / Home / Hooves / Our Horses / Hydration - the importance of (Blog) / Hydrocloric acid / Hyperlipidemia (IR/EMS) / Hyperlipidemia (Liver) / Hyperlipidemia (feeding straw)
I - The Immune System / Immunoglobulins / Individual Herbs & Botanicals / Individual Items / Individual Nutrients / Inflammation - what is it? / Insulin / Integumentary System / Intellectual Property, Design & Reproduction / IR (Insulin Resistance) / Iodine / Iron - the role of iron in the equine diet (Blog)
J - JointReflexa / Joints, Muscles & Connective Soft Tissue / JSTTonic
K - Ketones / The Kidneys / KoffTonic / KPU/Cryptopyrroluria / KPU Test
L - Lacrimation / Lactic-Acid bacteria / Lactobacillus / Laminitis / Large intestine / Leaky Gut / Leaky Gut - a new epidemic? (Blog) / Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) / Leptin Resistance / Leptospirosis / Ligaments / Linseed / Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) / The Liver & Kidneys / LiverCARE / LKL-CARE / Lovely Words / Lyme Disease / Lymph nodes / The Lymphatic System / LymphCARE / Lymphocytes / LymphTonic / Lysine / L-Tyrosine
M - Magnesium / Magnificent Magnesium (Blog) / Mallenders/Sallenders / Manganese / Mares / Marshmallow Leaf (Althea officinalis) / Marshmallow Root, Ground (Althea officinalis) / Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) / MellowMare / Metabolic acidosis / The Metabolic Horse / Metabolism / Metabolites/Postbiotics / Metagenomics / MetaTonic / Metatranscriptomic sequencing technology / Metformin / Methionine / The Microbiome (Introduction) / The Microbiome (Main Page) / The Microbiome, Toxins & Obesity connection (Blog) / Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) / Minerals / Mineral Balancers / Minerals - organic/inorganic / The Mitochondria / Motility (Gut) / MSM / Mucosa membrane / Mud Fever / Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) / Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) / Multi-metabolic detoxification disorder (KPU) / Musca autumnalis / Muscles / Muscle Mass - losing muscle mass through aging (Blog) /MuscleTonic
N - Native horses (metabolism) / Nature's Farmacy, Antioxidants & The Environment / Nervine herbs / Nervous System / Nettle (Urtica dioica) / (Getting a) New Horse / NRC+ Training Course / Nutrient absorption
O - Oats, flowering tops (Avena sativa) / Obesity / Oesophagus / Oil - why we should never add it to the feedbowl / Oil Glands / 'Oily' Herbs / Ojas / Onchocerca cervicalis microfilariae / Online Shop Main / Omega-3 / Online Shop Calming/Central Nervous System / Online Shop Coat & Skin / Online Shop Cushings/PPID / Online Shop Detoxification / Online Shop EquiVita & VitaComplete / Online Shop EquiVita Range / Online Shop Eyes / Online Shop Gut/Ulcers/Microbiome / Online Shop - Herbal Nutrition by Condition / Online Shop Herbs & Botanicals / Online Shop Herbal Tinctures / Online Shop Immunity / Online Shop Individual Items / Online Shop Joints/Muscles/Connective Soft Tissue / Online Shop Liver & Kidneys / Online Shop Lymphatics / Online Shop Mares / Online Shop Nutrients / Online Shop Pain / Online Shop Pollens / Online Shop Respiration / Online Shop Salt / Online Shop Senior Horse / Online Shop Stress / Online Shop VitaComplete Range / (Veterinary) Ophthalmologist / OptimaCARE / Orbital eye pads / Oregano (Origanum vulgare) / Organic Certification / Organic/Inorganic minerals / Osmotic (salt:water) pressure / OsteoTonic / Oxidation
P - P5P / Pain / Parietal cells / Pars glandularis / Pars nonglandularis / Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) / Pau D'Arco (Tabebuia impeteginosa) / Payment & Shipping / Pectins (Hindgut Acidosis) / Pectins (Metabolic Horse) / Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) / Pepsin / Perfect prevention makes perfect practice / Pergolide / Peristalsis / pH level (Gut) / pH level (Ulcers) / Phosphorous / Physiomedical / Phytonutrients / Pink Eye / Pituitary Gland / Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction / Plantain (Plantago major) / Polyphenols / Poor-doers (Blog) / Postbiotics/Metabolites / PPIs (Introduction) / PPIs (Ulcer Page) / PPID / Pollens / Potassium / Prascend / Pre-digesting / Privacy Notice / Proprionate, butyrate and acetate / Protein - extra autumn protein for our poor doers (Blog) / Protein (digestion) / Protein metabolism / Proton Pump Inhibitors / PSSM / Psyllium (Plantago ovata) / Pupils (eyes) / Pyloric ulcers / Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, aka P5P /
Q - Quality
R - Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) / Recall Policy / Red light therapy / Regenerative nutrition / Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) / Resistant starch (Blog) / Respiration / Resveratrol / Retoxification / Return, Refund or Replace Policy / RNA Sequencing / Rosehips, Ground (Rosa canina) / Rosehips, Shells (Rosa canina) / Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) / Roughage (Digestion)
S - Sage (Salvia officinalis) / Sainfoin (Blog) / Saliva / Salmonella / Salt / Sarcoids / Sarsaparilla (Smilax ornata) / Sea Salt Coarse / Second brain / Selenium / The Senior Horse / SeniorTonic / Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus) / SIBO / SIBO - the misery of (Blog) / SIBO-CARE / Simple sugars / Small intestine / Sodium / Soft Tissue - Tendons&Ligaments / Soy Lecithin / Soya / Spine / Spirulina / Spleen / Squamous ulcers / Steroid creams / Stomach / Stomach acid / Straw - feeding / The Effects of Stress / Stress / StressTonic / Stringhalt / Sugar / Sweat - skin generally / Sweating - detoxification / Sweating - unnatural, too much/too little / Sweet Itch / SwItchTonic / Swollen Sheath (Hindgut)
T - T Cells / Tear ducts / Teeth / Temperature / Tendons & Ligaments / Tension / Terms & Conditions / Testimonials / Thermogenic / ThreeAmigos / Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) / The Thymus / Tinctures / Tonic herbs / Toxins / Trace-element deficiency (KPU) / TriBute / Trickle feeder / Tulsi/Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) / Turmeric, Ground (Curcuma longa) / Turmeric LiquidGold Tincture / Tyrosine (Cushings) / Tyrosine (Online Shop)
U - UK Soil Observatory website / UlsaTonic / Ulcers (Introduction) / Ulcers Main Page / Ulcers/faecal water connection / Uveitis /
V - Vaccines (Gut system effect) / Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) / Valerian LiquidCalm Tincture / Vervain (Verbena officinalis) / VitaComplete / Vitamins / Vitamin & Nutrient Storage / Vitamin C / Vitamin D synthesis / Vitamin E / Vomit
W - Water balance regulation / Water-soluble waste (Detoxification) / Water-soluble waste (KPU) / Weed it, Feed it, Seed it / What I feed / Wheat - the beginning of today's disease culture / White blood cells / White Willow (Salix alba) / Why Herbs / Why what we feed has to be right / WildFed / WildVits / Without an immune system you're fighting with no army
Y - Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) / Young horse/Youngstock (Feeding)
Z - Zinc
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