Feeding our Horses Healthy

"The only way to fix your horse is to help them return to their natural state. Feeding your horse in a manner that is contrary to their innate physiological needs is making their body scream for help."

Juliet Getty, Getty Nutrition

A quick Disclaimer 

Rest assured I'm not in any kind of allegiance with any feed company - there are no backhanders, advantages, benefits, or special deals for me here. Everything I recommend has simply been based on 15+ years of dedicated study and research, and always, always for the benefit of the horse. 

So why have I put together this very long section? Because it's so incredibly important. And ... it's also so incredibly confusing out there.

There's so much BigProducer spin and misinformation, sadly driven in part by big wedges of cash (a certain trust pays certain feed companies to get their logo stamped on shiny feed bags for a a fee, so we trust it, despite that feed having completely inappropriate ingredients for said condition!), and it's all too easy for us to get sucked into it, but it's making our horses sick.

Feed our horses how they're meant to be fed, and they won't get sick. Simple as that. 😉


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