Colic is the one issue that I’ll call a vet for. It can strike any horse at any time, and nothing in a herbal cupboard will help a horse quicker than a vet’s injectable toolkit. That said, once a horse is recovering, herbal support can be immensely supportive (more on this below).
Put simply, colic is all about a pretty major disturbance in the gut system's intestinal region. Anything from bloating, massively disturbed peristalsis, constipation, abdominal spasming, or positional changes where parts of the intestine are no longer where they belong, and can therefore be cut off from the blood supply - all typical reasons behind a colic episode.
Unfortunately, when colic hits, we can’t always tell what the trigger was, and how your horse presents also says nothing about the cause or severity. Hence why we should always call the vet immediately – every second may count, and far better to pay for a false alarm than overlook a severe colic.
Of course you’re going to be feeling desperate – the last time Murf colic’d on me (2011) I was so all over the place that I couldn’t remember how to use my mobile phone to call the vet! But keep the faith – while we’re waiting for the vet the best thing we can do is keep our horse walking calmly, and make sure they’re warm.
Meanwhile here are some tips to help you give your horse some relief and get through the waiting time better.
Meanwhile, continue to walk the horse to continue stimulating peristalsis and circulation till the vet arrives.
It goes without saying that careful refeeding support for horses following a colic is vital, especially for hospitalised horses following colic surgery.
However, we need to be mindful that while a horse needs nutrients for healing and immune function, loading the gut with feed carries the risk of increasing the chance for further intestinal shutdown, possible colic relapse, and even breakdown of any abdominal surgical incision.
If we’re talking a severe colic episode, it’s generally been common practice for vets to withhold feed initially and provide only water and possibly intravenous fluids and electrolytes, before slowly reintroducing forage. If your horse has had surgery, normal feed practices are usually withheld until it’s clear that intestinal motility has been restored, and even then, only small amounts of forage are recommended to be offered at frequent intervals, or offering grass turnout for 20-30 minutes intermittently, i.e. 4 to 6-times/day, gradually increasing steadily based on how your horse responds.
However, if your horse has had a straightforward, easily resolved colic, usually they can return to a their normal diet, carefully reintroduced of course.
Try a mash. The original concept of a mash dates back to WW1, to get very exhausted/ sick military horses that had no energy left, to eat. The traditional mash consisted of wheat bran (which horses love), crushed oats, linseed and salt; there may have been a glug of Guinness added too, but if an army horse was totally exhausted and had lost its appetite, it was the wheat bran got them eating again.
For the record though, mashes aren’t the best fuel to feed, as by their very nature the composition is dust-like so very little to no digestion occurs, but post colic that’s kind-of the point. A mash literally passes straight through the GI tract and out the other end, so there's very little nutrient absorption, if any. But - a mash should get your horse eating, with the main purpose being to stimulate the action of peristalsis again.
There’s always a worst case though. For a severe colic episode you may be looking at assisted feeding, which means administration by stomach tube of energy-dense soaked feed, or even parenteral nutrition, which is given intravenously through a catheter. This form of nutrition is particularly valuable for horses recovering from enteritis (intestinal inflammation) or from surgery, particularly if a portion of the small intestine has been removed.
Once intestinal motility is restored with no further reflux, it’s recommended to feed a highly digestible diet using fresh grass or soft first-cut hay and/or feed mashes, offering only very small meals every 3-4 hours. Careful clinical monitoring is important to avoid stomach distention and/or intestinal shutdown, but your vet will absolutely guide you if this is the case.
Regarding hindgut disorders such as an impaction colic, feed is generally recommended to be withheld until the impaction has cleared, and regular healthy droppings are coming through again. If hindgut surgery was performed, it’s important to monitor for diarrhea, so best to avoid grass and feed soft hay instead, alongside a feedbowl mash.
Finally, be mindful that horses have long memories and traumatic events will not be forgotten quickly. The good news is that the world of phytonutrients has a selection of nurturing support to help your horse’s gut post-colic and relax their nervous system, to allow them to naturally recover and strengthen.
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