From the very beginning we made a conscious choice that EquiNatural's herbal supplements would be produced using the highest quality certified organic herbs, to eliminate the risk of chemical toxicity residue affecting the homeostasis of our clients' horses. It also didn't hurt that 'organic' has the least impact on local communities where they're grown, and the local environment. Equally, the UK government has reported that organic farming is infinitely better for wildlife, causing lower pollution from sprays, producing less carbon dioxide, and reduces the risks of global warming.
Quality isn’t defined by any one ingredient, test, or seal of approval. Quality means working meticulously at every step to ensure we bring you exceptional products to support your horse's health, from global organic sourcing to meticulous in-house manufacturing.
Our mission has always been to proactively help our clients nutritionally support the healthy equilibrium, the functioning integrity and the vitality - the vital force - of their horse, which is why we use nature's finest restorative, bioactive, regenerative herbal phytonutrients, free from chemical treatments, artificial synthetic additives, mould inhibitors and preservatives.
Over the years we've naturally gravitated towards product suppliers who meet rigorous standards based on chemical-free ingredients, ethical sourcing, and a commitment to low environmental impact and sustainability. This has led us to trading houses who not only supply our herbs, but also grow many of them especially for us.
They ensure that their growers are risk-assessed and monitored regularly to ensure that goods supplied are fully traceable, and that all policies and relevant legislation is complied with. Their growers work hard to maintain healthy soils and ecosystems, co-operate with wildlife, and provide fair working conditions, all the while delivering a high quality product.
They also sponsor several of their suppliers in obtaining FairWild certification, which guarantees that the small-scale farmers receive a fair reward for their work. Even better, this secures the tradition, history and protection of wild growing plants, and also promotes the sustainable management and collection of wild plants, while addressing fair trade practices and securing the livelihoods of the collectors.
At EquiNatural, we simply will not compromise on quality for our herbs. Our suppliers are inspected and approved by leading third party organisations that range from Soil Association organic certification to BRC, Fairtrade and FairWild. A full list of the accreditations they hold – including copies of the certificates - can be provided on request; see below for the full list of certifications.
In addition, they routinely carry out analysis on their product range using a risk based system for the following:
• Pesticide residues
• Microbiological load
• Mycotoxins
• Heavy metals
• Essential Oils
To see the multiple certifications, see the bottom of this page.
We use Premier Nutrition to mill our EquiVita and VitaComplete mineral premix to our unique formulas in their state-of-the-art facility in Rugely, Staffordshire. They're the first and only UK premix manufacturer to achieve FSSC 22000 accreditation - a risk-based global management system which controls food safety hazards, minimise risks and ensures the production of safe feed. They're also fully accredited with UFAS, ISO 14002, SEDEX and BETA NOPS®.
Premier are part of the AB Agri Community of businesses, a unique group of leading agricultural businesses operating across the food supply chain. AB Agri consists of multiple businesses and brands and is part of Associated British Foods plc (ABF) which means they have the advantage of being backed by a truly global organisation.
Product safety is paramount within their factory; manual handling is kept to a minimum with seamless traceability, using barcode technology, guaranteeing product integrity from raw material to finished product.
Our account manager is Ruth Bishop, who joined Premier Nutrition in 2016. She is well recognised in the world of equine nutrition, having been in various commercial nutrition roles for over 20 years. She's also consulted for the BEF World Class Performance squads, is the author of the Horse Nutrition Bible, and wrote the Dr Ruth nutrition column in Horse and Hound for several years. Ruth is ably assisted by Clare McCafferty (BSc(Hons) in Applied Animal Science), who joined Premier in 2015. Clare's who we deal with most at ground level.
Ruth is also an active member of the UK BETA Feed Committee and is an acknowledged expert in the areas of claims and labelling, and Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances (NOPS). Clare's areas of expertise are formulations, product design, NOPs, equine nutrition, labelling and legislation. She is also an R-SQP, has HACCP intermediate 3 qualifications and is FAR registered.
Our EquiVita/VitaComplete range is in very safe hands with Ruth and Clare. They provide expert support to their customers in areas such as product development, regulatory compliance and quality assurance, including NOPS management.
If you would like any further information on Premier's manufacturing process or safety, please e-mail
It's no secret that we at Equinatural choose to supply ingredients from organically certified suppliers. However, Trading Standards legislation is very clear on the fact that I'm not permitted to advertise our herbal products with the Certified Organic logo because ... as a company we ourselves aren't 'certified' organic.
Reasons? Manyfold.
It's no secret that some equine herbal supplement businesses advertise their products as 'organic', with some even copy/pasting the Soil Association's logo onto their websites (very against the rules!), when their products are very definitely not organic, nor are they as a company themselves registered as organic. We know of several ourselves and it's galling that these companies appear to be trading under the radar of Trading Standards.
They only come to light when someone reports them to Trading Standards, which interestingly is what happened to us back in 2014. This was back when I didn't know the rules, so was happily using the word 'organic' all over the website, until an embittered competitor (don't know who, although I had my suspicions, but this is all that Trading Standards would tell me) made a complaint about us. Nuff said on that one ...
However, that said, behind all this pain there are very good reasons for all this legislation, and it's all about you, our client. It's about protecting you and what you're buying into. Literally. So here's the How&Why of it all.
Today, over 75% of agrichemicals are sold by just 4 global companies - they also bought out the seed industry, so these Big-4 control both the supply of seeds and the use of agrichemicals, completely dictating the direction that agriculture has taken. Sad to say more that yes, it's about global dominatin and all about profit, and not necessarily about producing ‘healthy’ food or maintaining farmers’ incomes.
Back in the day we were assured that these agrichemicals were safe. If they were safe then but they’re scientifically proven not safe now, how are we supposed to believe the government when they tell us that that it’s safe to use neonicotinoids? There’s no safe level for a nervous-system-disrupting insectide … a hormone-disrupting herbicide. Not for a bee, not for a carrot, not for a human. And certainly not for a horse.
Agreed, progress is vital - the mechanisation of farming, together with fertilisers and herbicides increasing crop yields, has made creating cheap food on a vast worldwide scale possible, on an intense-farming basis, while feeding livestock hormone treatment and antibiotics boosts growth and helps prevent disease (although I think you know my personal opinion on this. Nuff said ...).
These practices really got going after WWII, to the point that inexpensive food became the main driver in how our diets have changed. As the world’s population boomed, it made perfect sense and seemed safe/sensible. Compared to the pre-war healthy days of how our grandparents lived, shopped and ate, this became the new post-war modern-day 'normal'.
However, the good news is that there were still 'natural food' diehards out there. By the '70s a distinction between two types of farming systems began to become buzz words in the kitchen – mechanised ‘conventional’, and small-scale, chemical-free ‘organic’. Juicy UK subsidies were on the side of 'conventional', while smaller organic farms had the double-negative whammy of much smaller subsidies while having to shell out a fortune to certify themselves as ‘organic’.
For many years, organic farming and its farmers seemed to be on the back foot, sniped at as being ‘mung-bean hippies’, perceived as expensive and, as the rumour mill spread, a big ‘con’ - even my ancient dad's thrown this one at me!
In stepped the Soil Association*, who led a group of scientists, farmers and health professionals who were concerned about what was happening in the fields across Great Britain. They saw that while yields from conventional farming were high, therefore good to feed the growing population, the soil was in an increasingly poor state, food quality was decreasing, the well-being of livestock was compromised, and wildlife seemed to be in decline.
Their work became part of a worldwide push towards a better stewardship of the land, with standardised practices put in place to help make this happen - these eventually became Accreditation schemes. Since then, all 'organic' food and drink ensures:
Why does it matter?
Good question. There are two types of organic licence - farmers and growers have producer licences, while people who turn these raw materials into other products (flour into bread, pigs into sausages etc) have a processor licence.
All Soil Association licensees are inspected annually to check audit trails (which ensure goods-in match goods-out), storage areas (to check non-organic and organic goods can’t get cross-contaminated), labelling and merchandising etc. Remember that paperwork trail I mentioned in the intro?
Understandably, it’s really strict. Here's a real-life example - a food company called Better Brand sells several products under their own Better Food brand. These products are organically grown from certified growers (i.e. their Italian passata and olive oil, Sicilian orange and Priors Grove apple juice) but because the facilities they are sent to for processing aren’t certified (because they’re doing it on such a small scale and remember, it costs a bomb to get certified), they can’t sell them as 'organic', or even mention the word on any labels or signage associated with the product.
Since the uncertified processor sites break the chain of organic custody, Better Brand can’t produce an unbroken audit trail so they can’t 100% guarantee the products are made from organic produce (even though they are).
If they break the rules? Better Brand are scrutinised, audited, held to account, and ultimately banned from trading. This is why you can trust the logo - the logo is the seal of approval that all these checks and balances have been followed. This is also why 'organic' might cost a bit more.
You’ll also find that organic supply chains tend to be less exploitative than some conventional routes - going to all this extra effort costs more, so this is reflected in the price. This isn’t me trying to justify why our herbs may be more expensive than purveyors of non-organic herbs (although there are some non-organic herb sellers out there who are more expensive than us!) - I'm just acknowledging as transparently as I can why this is the case.
On the other side, as oil and petrochemicals get more expensive, as soil erosion and other environmental factors become a cost to businesses, I'm quietly confident that the cost of conventionally produced products will become more in line with organic prices. You could argue (I often do) that it isn’t that organic food is expensive, it’s that industrialised food is cheap. It’s unrealistic to think we can rampage on in the old ways, polluting and exploiting our limited resources.
And lest we forget, if we factor in the benefits to health, it's more a case of not what it costs, but what it's worth 😉
These are the organic certifications behind every one of our herbs and herbal blends
* The Soil Association is a charity based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1946, it has over 27,000 members today. Its activities include campaign work on issues including opposition to intensive farming, support for local purchasing and public education on nutrition; as well the certification of organic food.
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Warm wishes
The EquiNatural Team
Any information contained within is not intended to replace veterinary or other professional advice.
Trading Standards EC Feed Hygiene Regulation (183/2005), Registration No. GB280/4203
* HACCP certified facility (an international standard that ensures we meet food safety standards)
* Registered in England. Company Number 11075894 - Reg'd Office: Unit 4 Rookery Farm, Radstock BA3 4UL
* VAT No. GB 310214964