Contact us

Here at EquiNatural we receive numerous enquiries about a wide range of equine issues.

We're here to help, and our website is packed with resources to assist you.

Advice Centre on the navigation bar above is constantly updated with the latest research as we hear it, so be sure to explore the pages within. See below for the guide.

  • A-Z Equine Condition - Each condition has its own dedicated page so head to the page and scroll through the alphabetical list to find what you're looking for.
  • Mineral Balancers - Just like any building needs a strong foundation, a horse’s health is the same – a foundation built on balanced, key essential trace elements, found in nature that the equine body recognises.
  • Feeding our Horses Healthy - Check in here for insights on how to dump the junk, feed your horse how they're meant to be fed, and close the nutrient gap.  

Still need to contact us?

Finally ...

The content of this website and any recommendations provided are based on 20-years of dedicated study, research, and numerous training courses, summits, and seminars - see Our Story for the full list. While we will always strive to offer you the best support, please remember that we can only base our recommendations on the information you give us. And remember, your instincts and relationship with your horse are also so important - after all, no-one knows your horse better than you.

2024 Stubbs England Nutritional Helpline of the Year Award Nominee

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