✨ “After her first month on CushTonic, our 24yo mare is looking great and feels ready for Badminton!” MW
🌿 If your horse is ON Prascend, please see our CushTonic-2 .
One of the many symptoms of Cushing's is reduced levels of dopamine, which impacts pituitary function leading to increased cortisol levels.
The recognised pharma drug, Prascend, is designed to improve dopamine levels, but it doesn't suit all horses. Our two proprietary Cushings blends are formulated to cover both options, whether your horse is taking, or not taking Prascend.
🌿 Endocrine balance: Helps maintain the function of the endocrine system.
🌿 Adrenaline and cortisol regulation: Assists in stabilising the stress hormones for a calmer horse.
Dopamine production:
Supports natural dopamine production, essential for pituitary health.
🌿 Vitality and wellbeing: Manages symptoms such as lethargy, poor appetite, and muscle tone loss.
🌿 Coat and thirst regulation: May help with coat shedding and thirst/urination regulation.
Important Note: CushTonic-1
is a nutritional, functional food supplement and not veterinary medicine. For more on this, see Dr Kellon's article - Nutrition is not 'Alternative' Therapy
Cushing’s disease, also known as PPID (Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction), occurs due to changes in the pituitary gland, which plays a vital role in the endocrine system. Often, this leads to an imbalance in hormone production, particularly adrenaline and cortisol, which can disrupt your horse’s overall health and comfort.
Our two Cushings' blends are carefully formulated to help manage these challenges naturally. With adaptogenic herbs and nutrient-dense ingredients, this blend supports the body’s ability to regulate hormone production, promote dopamine levels, and maintain a healthier metabolism.
If your horse is showing symptoms such as increased thirst, excessive coat growth, or changes in energy levels, our two Cushings' blends provide targeted nutritional support for their overall wellbeing.
For the latest Cushing's insights, see our main
A-Z Equine Conditions/Cushings
page in our Advice Centre above.
Dried Herbs: Human grade, produced to ecological standards and free from agro-chemicals. See our Quality page for Organic Certification Documents.
Composition: Vitex agnus-castus, Withania somnifera, Astragalus membranaceus, Bacopa monieri, Taraxacum officinalis Folia, Ginkgo biloba, Galega officinalis, Silybum marianum, Urtica dioica, Mucuna pruriens, Smilax ornata
After her first month on Cushtonic, our 24yo mare is looking great, feeling well and back in moderate work (lack of rider time). She thinks she is ready for badminton! MW 11.11.24
We have had excellent results with the herbs! (CushTonic, Tyrosine, MetaTonic). Our horse, Pistachio, loves his herbs and Vitacomplete, no longer tests positive for Cushings and has nearly grown out of his laminitis hooves. Next we’ll evaluate him for a barefoot trim. Our vet is very happy indeed! As is Pistachio!!Thank you so very much! Wendy 6.7.21
Thought I'd send you an update on Ebony after 6 weeks on the herbs for cushings. Her initial levels were 78.5 and have come down to 32.2 which I am over the moon at and my vet was taken aback ha ha .. I cant tell you how happy I am. I have so much faith in you and cant thank you enough. I have recommended you to lots of people who are going to contact you for further info and orders hopefully. Claire 8.7.16
I'm very happy to write this review as I'm so happy myself! Our daughter's pony, Rosie, now retired and a much loved family pet, was diagnosed with Cushings last year after we noticed she hadn't shed her winter coat and seemed very depressed with no zest for life. I was recommended to you and have had her on a maintenance dose of your CUshTonic for the past few months, and am delighted to report that over the Easter weekend the family spent many happy moments grooming Rosie and pulling much self-shedding winter coat out! She's so much happier in herself as well, no longer standing alone witha sad face looking like Eeyore. As a family we're so very grateful to have found you. Thank you thank yuou, and we're looking forward to many more happy, comfortable years for our beloved girl. The Barber family, Glos. 14.4.14
I wouldn't take my horse off this for all the tea in china. Caroline 2.2.13
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HACCP certified facility (an intern-
ational standard that ensures we meet
food safety standards)
Registered in England. Company
Number 11075894, Reg'd Office: Unit 4 Rookery Farm, Radstock BA3 4UL
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