I think we all know that the default state of the body is to continuously regenerate, and whether human or horse, without this continual cell turnover within the body, our bodies would simply not exist.
However, when the body’s sick, those regenerative processes are overcome by degenerative ones, and it’s well known these days that drug-based medicine invariably uses chemicals that have little regenerative potential, simply suppressing symptoms and burying them deeper, which almost always interferes with natural self-renewal.
There’s good news though – the natural world can step in here, bringing the body back into balance with food, herbs, and nutrients.
There are a broad range of natural compounds with proven nerve-regenerative effects. A 2010 study published in the journal Rejuvenation Research found a combination of blueberry, green tea and carnosine have neuritogenic (promoting neuronal regeneration) and stem-cell regenerative effects in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20586644/).
It gets better - other researched - and safe for horses - neuritogenic substances include:
1. Curcumin (from Turmeric)
2. Berberine (found in bitter herbs such as Goldenseal and Barberry)
3. Blueberry
4. Resveratrol
5. Ashwaganda
Berberine is also specifically beneficial as a remyelinating compound, which stimulates the repair of the protective myelin sheath (a sleeve (sheath) that's wrapped around each nerve cell (neurons), and which is often damaged in neurological injury and/or dysfunction, especially autoimmune and vaccine-induced demyelination disorders (https://greenmedinfo.com/pharmacological-action/neuritogenic).
Glycyrrhizin, a compound found within liquorice, has been found to stimulate the regeneration of liver mass and function in the animal model of hepatectomy (https://greenmedinfo.com/article/compound-found-licorice-known-glycyrrhizin-accelerates-liver-regeneration-and-). Other liver regenerative substances include:
1. Carvacrol (a volatile compound in Oregano)
2. Curcumin
3. Vitamin E
Hormones can degrade into potentially carcinogenic metabolites, courtesy of our old friend the free-radical (molecules with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons so an unhappy molecule that then wreaks cellular havoc). Yet another old friend, good ol' Vitamin C, is a powerful electron donor, and can regenerate estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone hormones which have degraded.
Until recently it was thought that cardiac tissue was incapable of being regenerated, yet a rapidly growing body of experimental research is now showing that there are heart-tissue regenerating compounds known as neocardiogenic substances. These include :
1. Resveratrol
2. Siberian Ginseng (Eleuthero)
3. N-acetyl-cysteine
When it comes to degenerative joint disease, there are a broad range of potentially regenerative substances:
1. Curcumin
2. Resveratrol
3. Vitamin C
4. Vitamin E
5. CBD Oil
6. Boswellia
7. Glucosamine.
8. Eleuthero & Panax Ginseng - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1988502
NB - Glucosamine sulphate is recognised by the liver as the natural version of glucosamine (the more commonly used Glucoamine HCL is synthetic) and gets into the joints with positive improvement; Glucosamine HCL doesn't because try as it might, the liver can’t convert HCL to a sulphate.
Our JointReflexa is formulated using Glucosamine sulphate.
Originally published 21.9.22
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