Mineral Solutions

Just like any building needs a strong
foundation, a horse’s health is the same
– a foundation built on balanced,
key essential trace elements found
in nature that the equine body recognises.

Image - Maisie's LF hoof during her rehab
- note the tighter hoof/pastern angle,
powered by EquiNatural's EquiVita mineral balancer. More on Maisie below.



  1. A mind-boggling statistic
  2. Introducing our EquiVita/VitaComplete
  3. What's the difference between EquiVita and VitaComplete?
  4. The mineral:hoof connection - introducing Maisie
  5. New to minerals?
  6. A quick word on salt

Sub-Chapter (link below)

  1. The story behind it all - how EquiNatural got involved with mineral balancing

FACT - Forage is the main component and source of minerals in our horse's diet.

The problem is that our UK soils and grasslands lack key nutrients essential for balancing their biology. By supplementing our horse's forage intake with a carefully formulated 'balancer', this replenishes the essential elements that our modern world has depleted, ensuring our horses receive the comprehensive nutrition they require for peak performance and vitality.

1. A mind-boggling statistic

Would you believe, 50 years ago, carrots had 75% more magnesium than today - www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15637215.

Just one example of how our soil nutrient levels have significantly depleted over the years due to industrial agriculture (see the UK Soil Observatory website). The problem is compounded - whether horse or human, we get less minerals from our food than we used to, due to chemicals like glyphosate sprayed on agri-crops, with our ultra-processed diets, pharmaceutical drugs, and inflammatory lifestyles depleting our bodies of the minerals we can get.

Us humans are armed with the knowledge to select an appropriate vit/min supplement off the shelf for ourselves, alongside upgrading our diet accordingly to add back the missing nutrients into our bodies. Our horses, however, rely entirely on us to get it right for them. This is why we need a balanced mineral solution to help provide our horses with an effective nutritional foundation.

Let's look at it another way. Imagine randomly removing 50% of the nuts and bolts from your car, then trying to drive it. How far do you think you’d get? Some might just about rattle and roll, but imagine the stress on your car engine. Chances are, you wouldn’t risk even putting the key in the ignition.

In our human world, if we’re eating the standard western C.R.A.P. diet (not being intentionally-mouthed - it stands for Carbs, Refined, Artificial, and Processed), health nuts report that our own machinery is missing a staggering 80% of our essential nuts and bolts. Just as our car won’t function properly, neither will our body, which is why such a high percentage of the western human race is so sick.

Put simply, we need all of the essential, key components for the body to work properly. And not unsurprisingly, it's the same for our horses.

FACT - Our UK grasslands are deficient in many of the essential key minerals, i.e copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, and way too high in others, i.e. calcium, iodine, iron and manganese.

FACT - Changes in the chemistry of grass cause changes in the chemistry of the horse, with many chronic health issues being due to unbalanced micronutrients.

FACT - Most alleged 'behavioural' issues will resolve by feeding nutrients balanced to our known UK forage deficiencies, which balance the horse's chemistry.

And then there's the feedbowl:

FACT - Micronutrient deficiencies are guaranteed since the advent of mass agriculture, because mass-produced food is synonymous with low micronutrient food.

Along with hay, water and salt, supplementing the key mineral supply is the nutrient foundation of the diet, and in the perfect world, how we supplement our horses should be adapted to the mineral content of their regular forage and their feedbowl content.

However, unless we grow our own hay or know the source of our hay's supply, there's no sense in having the mineral content of each hay bale analysed, as the values can swing from day to day, depending on the weather, the environment, and changes in the soil values. For example, hay grown on sandy or moorland soils will usually have significantly lower nutrient content than hay from other soil types.

That said, there are certain standard values for mineral supply, and our EquiVita/VitaComplete mineral balancers are formulated to target the recognised standard nutrient/trace element deficiencies in our UK grasslands and forage.

2. Introducing EquiNatural's EquiVita & VitaComplete

Two expertly formulated, multi-mineral, cost-effective, and efficient nutritional solutions that provide the known commonly-deficient levels of the essential key minerals lacking in our UK grazing and forage, for either summer or winter, as required by the equine body for normal function.

Our EquiVita & VitaComplete are milled for us by Premier Nutrition, who are committed to manufacturing safe, compliant feed independently audited by, and certified to, UFAS, FEMAS, BETA NOPS, and ISO 22000, so you can be confident in the product you receive:

  • Carefully formulated, multi-mineral, nutrient solutions specific to our UK grasslands' nutrient deficiencies.

  • Balanced to the NRC guidelines, based on the known UK forage deficiencies, which means it provides the correct ratios of the missing key minerals and micronutrients to balance the equine dietary requirements.

  • No fillers whatsoever! Just the composition your horse needs to balance their diet, and none of what it doesn't (calcium, iodine, iron, manganese) based on the known UK forage deficiencies as per the NRC guidelines, and measured to the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance - set based on preventing deficiency) to nutritionally balance the diet.

  • Includes as standard: * Lysine * Magnesium * Phosphorous * Copper * Zinc * Methionine * Selenium * Vitamin E *, and all in their natural forms as recognised by the intestinal nutrient sensor receptors (the molecular pathways through which the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream). See why we don't use synthetic minerals on our Blog Post here: Minerals, and it's All-Change - New data on synthetic chelated v. natural sulphates.

What's the difference between EquiVita and VitaComplete?

Fresh growing grass has an omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio of around 4:1, similar to other browse foods like leaves and buds, with summer growing grass coming in at around 4% fat, and with 75% omega-3 (as ALA, alpha-linolenic acid). The good news is that micronised linseed comes in at the exact same omega-3 profile as fresh, growing grass.

Of course this level of natural grass-sourced intake isn't seasonally available here in the UK all year round, so outside of the growing grass period, i.e. winter, or if a horse has hay in their diet or on a hay-only diet, blood tests show that 100g/day of m.linseed equals the same daily omega-3 intake as a horse on grass pasture (Equine Science study). This applies to the average 500kg horse, so pro-rata it works out at 20g micronised linseed per 100kg bodyweight. NB - when grass is dried and baled as hay, the fragile omega-3 fatty acids are lost, so m.linseed definitely needs to be fed.

Our VitaComplete supplies the exact RDA micronised linseed per daily measure, so it’s perfectly formulated to balancing winter omega-3 deficiencies, as well as if a horse is on a permanent hay diet.

If your horse is on a part-hay diet, i.e. stabled overnight during spring/summer/autumn, then you won't need to feed the 20g m.linseed/day, so our EquiVita will be ideal for you, but bear in mind you'll need to add linseed to match the hay volume v. grass intake, i.e. if a horse is on 50% grass turnout and 50% stabled with hay, then feed half the m.linseed RDA ration. Full feed details on our Linseed product page.

  • Our EquiVita is ideal for all-round maintenance.

  • Our VitaComplete combines our EquiVita with an additional 100g daily micronised linseed, and 10g daily certified organic and unrefined salt as a convenient 3-in-1 solution.

  • NB. If your horse is experiencing hindgut disruption/dysbiosis, or if you're feeding haylage, we recommend you feed 20g/day Spirulina for 2-weeks, as it's an excellent gut mycotoxin-binder and deacidifier, as well as supporting metabolism and muscle building, and being one of the highest protein-rich foods in the plant kingdom.

3. The Mineral/Hoof Connection - introducing Maisie

Back to the image of Maisie above. We got to know Maisie following the winter of 2017/18 where she'd been seriously neglected and needed urgent rehabilitation to get healthy again. We were very much involved with her new owner with her refeeding programme, so much so that Maisie joined our herd for a few months so we got to know her really well.

One of the most positive areas of improvement was in her hooves. You can see the profound changes in her hoof/pastern angle, with the new, stronger hoof capsule taking shape above the very obvious old hoof, all engineered by our EquiVita balanced mineral solution.

As her new, tighter hoof capsule grew down, it naturally shortened her toe to where it should be. This allows the whole hoof to be more supportive of the pedal bone and limb.

For the full story on Maisie with some great images, see her Case Study which her owner kindly allowed us to do on her.

4. New to minerals?

For new starters on minerals, I always suggest to start with our 1kg trial bag – any new-to-minerals horse will tell you that minerals are not very unpalatable, so it’s best to start with a pinch in the feedbowl and slowly work your way up. Unless, of course, you want ‘the look’ where they think you’re trying to poison them! Took me 2-weeks to get our Carmen on the full measure, but then she’s a meticulous TB Princess Diva, whereas my three natives gobbled it down without batting an eye. However, for fussy eaters, 2-weeks is generally the average time reported back from clients who have to take it slowly.

Our winter grasslands are also deficient in the important Essential Fatty Acids, the Omegas 3 & 6, as is hay, so it’s worth considering adding Linseed (micronised) which mimics the omega ratios found in growing spring/summer grass. Personally it’s a staple in my feedroom and find it wonderful for condition, coat shine, joint comfort and itchy skin, to name a few.

It’s also a gut superstar, especially for our colicy-risk horses, as it’s high mucilage content coats and soothes the GI tract wall and the food bolus for ease of transit.

See our Linseed product page for the full details on when - and how much - to feed, as this is all very dependent on how much grass turnout or how much hay there is in your horse's diet.

5. Finally, a quick word on salt

It's essential to feed salt in the diet for so many important reasons; apart from keeping body fluids in balance and providing essential natural electrolytes which play a key role in normal nerve/muscle/kidney function and blood sodium levels, sodium is also needed to balance potassium levels, both in grass and in the body, and especially in hot weather.

Sodium and chloride (salt) are the major electrolytes lost in sweat, followed by potassium, so we need to feed around 20-25g salt daily to cover a baseline requirement. If you prefer to feed an electrolyte supplement, make sure this amount of salt is included in the composition.

Salt also encourages a horse to drink water; obvious for summer hydration but for winter too, as horses drink far less water in winter so we need to help encourage them to do so.

However, the problem with blending salt into a mineral/vitamin mix is that salt attracts moisture - it's a natural dessicant (drying agent) so the risk is that it can denature the nutrient composition. This means that a mineral mix blended with fine salt may lose its essential structure, but also shorten the shelf-life. We therefore don't include salt in our EquiVita.

This is one reason why I prefer to add in coarse salt 'nibs' instead of fine salt; the other is that my connie, Murphy, hates the taste of salt so I have to sneak it in via coarse salt so there's no overwhelming taste of salt for him.

We sell the highest quality unrefined, unpolluted, coarse sea salt, certified by the Soil Association, available at seriously good prices compared to the supermarkets. Add 4g/100kg bodyweight of salt into the feedbowl, double if in hard work/sweating or on a really hot day.

However, we do include our certified coarse salt in our VitaComplete, because when combined with the natural oil content from the linseed, there's much less of a risk of the dessicating effect over the time that the product takes to be used up, which is much quicker than the EquiVita as it's a higher feed rate due to the linseed composition.

Meanwhile, click on the SHOP link below to see our Mineral Solutions product range.

SHOP - Mineral Solutions The story behind it all ...

See what our clients are saying

12.2.24 - I wanted to give you some feedback on your mallenders and sallenders regime. I took the plunge as I was seeing her getting worse than ever this year. In just a month I am half way through and it has cleared up on her back legs completely and on the front there is no red sore skin anymore. I am so happy I can brush her legs without her trying to move her leg or stomp her feet. Thank you so much. Sarah K. 

  • 22.6.23 - Hello Carol, Thank you so much for your wonderful service. Our 29yr old Dales pony ‘Magic’ looks magnificent and we are sure it’s because of EquiVita. Best wishes, Tony & Vickie

  • 27.9.22 - Brilliant stuff, the shine on my horse since he's started it has been amazing. Looking forward to seeing the results of them being on it longter. Leanne

  • 28.4.22 - Since I’ve been using your balancer my boy's split in one foot is finally growing out. It’s been there a few years, no change with (two other well-known mineral balancer companies). JW

  • 8.2.22 - Just to let you know, I'm really happy with the supplement - my mare always gets compliments on her 'mint' feet from farriers! And sometimes she looks so shiny that I wonder if there's something wrong! I never groom her, just lots of scratches, and brush off the saddle area if I ride. I've recently acquired two yearling minis, can't wait to get them on the same road. Julia B.

7.12.19 -Carol has been extremely helpful and I'm pleased to say my horse is eating Equivita no problem at all! Very interesting and informative website. My horse's mallanders are already starting to look better. Finally I think I've found the answer and it's so nice to have everything I need in one bag! Thank you so much :-)

  • 3.4.19 - Hi Carol, Your products are I believe the best around. Maddie my rising 5 IDSH had been having EquiVita since September last year just after I bought her and she has come through the winter in excellent health and condition, nice and lean coming into the spring, though she isn't doing much work as yet due to her age. Maddie is barefoot and your products have played a role in her having excellent horn quality. Best regards, Mandy

  • 20.7.18 - Hi Carol. Just wanted to give you an update on my mare since you kindly 're-planned' her diet! Since been on the Equivita balancer just 10weeks, her feet are rock hard, maintained the shape & strength even with this persistant dry spell were having. She can walk on any surface including stony tracks, & is self trimming too. Thank you so much for your advice, Clare & Stardust
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