Using a natural, gut-focused approach, this targeted detox is designed to:
🌿 Gut stabilisation: Deacidifies and rebalances the microbiome for a healthier gut environment.
🌿 Clears toxins: Supports the body in managing toxic overload and repairing gut lining integrity from leaky gut damage.
🌿 Manages gas and bloating: Helps manage intestinal discomfort by inhibiting harmful microbes.
🌿 Adrenal and immune health: Enhances resilience, immune function, metabolism, and glutathione production (the body's natural antioxidant).
Important Note: This is a nutritional, functional food programme and not veterinary medicine. For more on this, see Dr Kellon's article - Nutrition is not 'Alternative' Therapy .
When the gut microbiome is out of balance, the immune system’s ability to respond effectively is compromised. Supporting beneficial gut bacteria while clearing out harmful microbes is essential to rebalance the microbiome and maintain overall gut health.
The challenge of dysbiosis
Leaky gut and hindgut dysbiosis, also referred to as SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), occur when pro-inflammatory bacteria dominate, including the resistant Archaea strain. These imbalances can lead to gut permeability, chronic inflammation, and faecal water syndrome.
Antibiotic treatments, often prescribed for gut infections, are not only increasingly ineffective (with as little as a 5% success rate) but also pose a risk of long-term microbiome disruption. Studies show that the microbiome often struggles to recover fully after an antibiotic course, leading to further health challenges.
The ripple effect on detoxification
Leaky gut can overwhelm the body’s natural detoxification processes. An excess of toxins from the gut increases the burden on the liver (responsible for biotransformation) and the kidneys (responsible for excretion). This toxin overload can keep a horse in a prolonged state of chronic ill health, affecting their overall vitality.
This programme takes a botanical, gut-focused approach, helping to rebuild the microbiome naturally without the risks associated with aggressive pharmaceutical treatments. By clearing harmful microbes and supporting gut lining integrity, this programme encourages long-term gut health and overall wellness.
For further hindgut insights, see our main Gut System
page (Advice Centre/A-Z Equine Condition)
A step-by-step guide to supporting your horse’s recovery - e ach item is available separately in our Gut System Shop page.
First, we start alleviating the gut discomfort and inflammation with DuoBute , formulated to be very gentle on the fragile gut mucosa.
Stage 1 - Gut Stabilise
Once your horse has had a couple of days on the DuoBute (and StressTonic if feeding), now we start the detox.
in an a.m. feed for 1-month, then take a few days to assess. It's important to see how your horse's gut functions following the supplement; depending on the historic degree of gut damage, it may be that a 2nd month's course will need to be fed.
Stage 2 - Detoxification Organs
We now tone the body's detoxification organs - liver, kidneys, lymph nodes. This addresses the body's natural detox process and resets the gut:liver:kidneys pathway, to support immune function and metabolic health.
NB. If you think your horse is a KPU candidate, see our KPU page .
Top Tip: For fussy eaters, start slow! A pinch of each at a time and slowly build up.
Important Note:
Supplements of any kind should be fed with caution to the pregnant or nursing mare so always seek veterinary advice.
The focus now is on maintaining your horse's health long-term. By feeding tonifying supplements to support a balanced gut microbiome, alongside a diet rich in healthy, natural nutrition, you'll be giving your horse the best chance to thrive.
Have a look at our suggestions below - we're not saying to feed them all - just go with what feels right for your horse. Metabolic health is a sliding scale, influenced by daily choices that compound over time. Each decision - big or small - helps tip the scales in your horse's favour, ensuring lasting wellness and vitality.
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Any information contained within
is not intended to replace veterinary or other professional advice.
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Registered in England. Company
Number 11075894, Reg'd Office: Unit 4 Rookery Farm, Radstock BA3 4UL
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