SIBOCARE *Hindgut Regeneration Programme (Dysbiosis, SIBO, Leaky Gut, FWS)

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Product Details

Part of our C.A.R.E Immunity Protocol

C leanse | A ctivate | R egenerate | E nergise

SiboCARE is a synergistic powder blend of functional, organic phytonutrients, fed as a gut cleanse to support the eradication of hindgut dysbiosis/SIBO, leaky gut, and faecal water syndrome.

See our Sibo Detox COMBO for our full gut regeneration programme.

Key Benefits

✔️ Gut and Gastrointestinal Health: Enhances the digestion process and overall gut health.

✔️ Hindgut Acidosis/Dysbiosis/Leaky Gut/Faecal Water Syndrome: Detoxes the hindgut, alleviating these specific conditions.

✔️ Pathogen Gut Microbe Inhibition: Deacidifies the hindgut environment, making it hostile to pathogen gut microbes.

✔️ Gas/Bloat Reduction: Helps reduce gas and bloating due to less pathogen microbe presence in the intestines.

✔️ Acidity/pH Levels and Adrenal Function: Rebalances adrenal function and hindgut acidity to neutral pH levels.

✔️ Immune Function and Metabolism: Enhances the immune system and overall metabolism.

Note: SiboCARE is a nutritional, functional food supplement and not veterinary medicine. For more information, refer to Dr Kellon's Horse Sense - 'Nutrition is not 'Alternative' Therapy .

* For the latest research and updates, see our main A-Z/Gut System page.


When the gut microbiome integrity is disrupted, it impairs the immune response, so it's imperative to regenerate the beneficial gut biome colonies and clear out the bad bacteria, to rebalance the gut biome and the immune cells which reside in the intestines.

Vets meanwhile, are commonly prescribing antibiotics for leaky gut syndrome, referring to it as a 'stomach infection'. Yet as we know, antibiotics not only have a mere 5% chance of working, they also destroy the beneficial biota in the intestines; it's these beneficial microbes which create the immune cells.

Leaky gut is caused by dysbiosis in the microbiome - SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overload). This means the pro-inflammatory, unfriendly gut bacteria have taken hold, including the now recognised Archaea strand, which are also now showing resistance to the majority of antibiotics that are commonly used against bacteria.

Hence. the antibiotics that many practitioners typically prescribe for gut bacterial infections are not only ineffective, but risk causing further long-term health damage. Human health studies now show the microbiome as a whole rarely recovers from an 'antibiotic' assault.

A botanical approach is less aggressive and has also been shown to be at least as effective as pharmaceutical antibiotics in clinical trials for SIBO treatment.

Furthermore, this could also have a profound knock-on effect on liver/kidney function, specifically a dysfunction in the detoxification process because when there’s leaky gut, there’s an overload of toxins for the liver to metabolise (correct name biotransform ).

Thing is, the kidneys are very much involved as well because the liver shunts all the transformed toxins to the kidneys for excretion, but if there’s a toxicity overload the kidneys become overwhelmed as well, so can’t shift all the toxins quickly enough out through the urine. Which means the toxins get flushed back round the body.

At the very root of the problem lies a tiny, yet critical, micronutrient - vitamin B6. Normally, the equine hindgut produces B6 in its activated form – scientific name Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, aka P5P. However, when the hindgut microbiome is disrupted, the activated P5P production becomes deficient, and here’s where it all goes badly wrong because … the liver needs this activated form of B6 - P5P – to break down – metabolise – those toxins. So if the liver and kidneys can’t do their job, the whole natural detoxification process gets messed up.

* Fed as a powdered herb food blend for ease of digestion and swift efficacy.

Composition & Feed Guide

All our herbs are human grade, and produced to ecological standards without the use of agri-chemicals, non-irradiated and GMO free. Laboratory tested for identification and compliance to the British and European Pharmacopoeia standards. See our Quality page for for Organic Certification Documents.

Feed Guide

  • 5g/100kg bodyweight per day (i.e. 25g for a 500kg horse). NB: For fussy eaters, start with a pinch and slowly build your way up.
  • SCOOP PROVIDED - 1-level scoop = 13g.
  • Contains no banned substances so safe for competition.
  • 1-yr shelf life.

Dried organic herbs, roots & barks:

Andrographis paniculata, Astragalus membranaceus, B erberis vulgaris (Barberry), Uncaria tomentosa (Cat's Claw), Symphytum (Comfrey), Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng), Origanum vulgare (Oregano), Tabebuia impeteginosa (Pau D'Arco/Lapacho), Plantago ovata (Psyllium) & Smilax ornata (Sarsaparilla)


The following form the complete Sibo Detox COMBO programme.

  • SIBO/Leaky gut hurts - you would have likely seen flinching, biting, head swinging back to the gut rhs, maybe even cow-kicking. Alleviate with our our DuoBute which can be safely fed alongside our SiboCARE.
  • Feed our GutAminos alongside this blend. While the SiboCARE is clearing out the pathogen toxins, the GutAminos supports the rebuild of the damaged gut lining.
  • Spirulina is an excellent gut-mycotoxin binder and deacidifier; it's recommended to feed a tablespoon/day for 2-weeks to help deacidify the hindgut, especially useful if you've been feeding haylage.
  • After the first month's gut regeneration, feed our LKLCARE for the 2nd month to detox and tone the major detoxification organs - the liver, kidneys, and lymph nodes.

NB. If you think your horse may be a KPU candidate, you'll need to feed our P5P activated form of B6 while the hindgut function is regenerating, in order to maintain the liver's toxin biotransformation/metabolising function. See our KPU page for more information.

Finally, stemmy hay , fed 24/7, is going to be your saviour here to help restore the beneficial hindgut microbiome.


Please ensure that if you're not going to be in to receive your delivery, you let us know of your preferred safe place, i.e. 'Leave in porch', or preferably to leave with a neighbour who you know will be in. There's a dedicated field during the Checkout for you to do this.

Please note that if you're not there to receive delivery, EquiNatural cannot accept responsibility for any loss.


Supplements of any kind should be fed with caution to the pregnant or nursing mare so always seek veterinary advice.


  • 11.12.23 - just to say, what fantastic results so early on with the SiboCARE and GutAminos. She loves the taste but all symptoms have improved no end...also she is much calmer in herself, which is such a relief to see. All of your advice has been a godsend in what has been a worry, so thank you so much. MH
  • 28.8.23 - Full SiboCARE/GutAminos/Spirulina/LKLCARE Protocol
    An update on Sid the mini shetland - he came off the antibiotic, bute, steroids - he had survived but was not in a good way - he had SIBO CARE, Gutaminos, Spirulina in the morning and Duobute in the evenings as recommended and my, he really came back to life - chasing his stable mate and just racing round the school for the joy of it – he was showing more energy than ever before. He then went onto the LKL CARE with continued gutaminos - mid June - mid July, then he went onto BiomeTonic. About a week later I started another 30day round of the SIBCARE, Gutaminos and Duobute because he had become subdued and was biting his sides - within a couple of days he had brightened up back to his recovered self. During this time he has not only grown he has also put on much needed weight. He is a transformed pony and is better than we hoped he might ever get to. I am going to keep him on the SIBO CARE and gutaminos as he has a lot of recovering to do. I want to say a big thankyou to you for your advice and the herbs. Best wishes.
  • 18.7.23 I thought your range of SIBBO/gut balance products were fantastic with Rory. They have made a profound difference to the quality of his droppings. He's now very level headed, has a soft expression and overall seems much more comfortable. OC.
  • 3.6.23 - SIBO-CARE/GutAminos KPU Protocol Hi Carol, I thought I would update you with my boys progression.I rode him last week and he was the ‘sparkliest’ he has been for years. He was happy and not spooky and trotted up a hill (I’ve not done that in years). I am able to ride him now 5 times a week with no problem.He has not had any mud fever this winter, his mallanders/scallanders have almost gone, his hooves look in great shape and his overall coat condition looks fantastic! He's now out by night with a muzzle and in by day with hay. I take him for hedgerow graze every day (self service medicine cabinet). Still a way to go - there's still a bit of bloat and round the belly but he has a flat bum (no heart shape) and no more cresty neck. Natalie & Dewi
  • 2.2.23 - SIBO-CARE & GutAminos Hex is doing very well on sibo care and gut aminos Like a different horse Feels bright and not kicking out when saddle goes on , Obviously feeling much better , I feel his stride is longer using his hind legs more easily, Many thanks so pleased he is brighter and more comfortable, Best wishes, Felicity
  • 14.1.23 - SIBO-CARE, GutAminos & P5P A belated Happy New Year and just a little update on the boys. Des continues to do extremely well with not a sign of any faecal water, he’s so happy in himself and really cheeky and naughty. He loves going out for his walks and playing with Kermit. We really can’t thank you enough for all your help and advice, what your products have done for our boys has been amazing and we are so grateful. Long may it continue.Thanks again, Cathy
  • 12.12.22 - KPU Protocol
    I started Honey on your protocol yesterday and I'm absolutely amazed, for the first time in months she is like a different horse in the stable...she used to be extremely food-guardy to the point that I could hardly get near her if there was hay around, without pinned ears, a squeal, and even a kick. She was so incredibly calm this morning, was happy for me to change her rug and faff around next to her whilst she ate her hay, her demeanor has changed so much. I wasn't expecting to see such quick results! It is obviously really helping her, I'm incredibly grateful, especially as no other products have helped her so far - I was starting to lose hope.Best wishes, Rachel & Honey
    Edited to add - 19.12.22 Hi Carol, Just had to send another update today as I am so amazed at Honey's transformation. In the past I have not been able to handle her at all in the stable, due to how sensitive she was at being touched. Even rugging her had to be done tied up outside. Today it was pouring with rain and I thought I'd try tacking her up in the stable. Bear in mind that I haven't done this for 6+ months, and in the past she would bite and kick at me (so obviously I stopped riding her or doing any of these things, as it was clear she was not happy).Well, today I tacked her up in the stable, completely loose. She did not walk away from me, did not flinch in the slightest at the girth, but stood happily to be tacked up. This was whilst eating hay, which in the past she would guard and not let me anywhere near. She has only been on the full dose of SIBOCare and GutAminos for 2 days, I'm so amazed at the transformation. Thank you so so much, hopefully things will keep continuing in the right direction!
  • 13.5.22 - KPU Protocol
    Just wanted to touch base with you because I’m delighted to say Charlie and Alfie are both completely different from when I first contacted you. I threw myself in100% with all your advice and it totally paid off. The supplements got them right back on track. They are now both turned out 24/7 which I thought would never happen again. They have constant access to late cut hay and now have a big track around the field to graze with huge hedges available to graze from. They’re lightly rugged when needed and have access to their stables at all times. Currently they have just a handful of the agrobs chaff you recommended with their equivita once daily. Both boys have stopped peeing dark brown and it’s clear now instead. Charlie’s energy is fabulous - he’s gone from hardly having the will to trot to being back to his fiesty self! I forgot how amazing he feels. There’s so much power in his tank it’s great. We’ll definitely be eventing again later in the year, which is so wonderful as I really believed his career was over at the end of last year. I even had to sort him out with better brakes as they massively failed the other day! Alfie is feeling lovely too, far more sensible and not storming off. Both boys have lost their bulgy bits over their eyes and the hollows have returned. Also Charlie’s sheath is no longer swollen. They’re glossy and shiny and happy. I’ve noticed that their feet are so much better too and Charlie is now able to cope with stoney ground miles better than he ever has before. (I’ve owned him 14yrs). So, thankyou so much for all your advice, it’s been wonderful to watch the boys improve so well. You’ve been full of such wonderful knowledge and advice. I’m not sure what I would have done without you. Marion
  • 11.4.22 - KPU Protocol Annie has been going great guns on your KPU plan now, she is now up to dose of SIBO-CARE and not far off on your StressTonic. The difference in her is amazing. She has many days now with no faecal water at all and when she does it is minimal compared to what it was and her actual faeces is formed balls. 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t smell like and she is going a lot less too. Megan & Annie
  • 24.2.21 - SIBO-CARE, GUTAMINOS & P5P I just ... I dont know what to say, I mean maybe you think I’m a crazy Swede LOL … I think I was hallucinating because after the first morning dose, in the afternoon she already in her eyes and body language looked "better". Her posture was upright, and yesterday afternoon, day 2, she ran like crazy and rolled on the ground and was strong with energy! Today, day 3, she stretched her body (hasn’t done that for a long time) and ate her steamed hay with a good appetite and not just picking through it.The first night my husband said, “Look at her poop! It’s better.” I thought it was maybe just a lucky one, but day 2’s poop is already 50% better in colour and shape. Gas, absolutely better already.C´mon. For real?! LOL … Is it even possible? I know you said you couldn’t promise me anything, but this is too good to be true. I cried this morning because if this is true, then I can already see the light and the hope for this girl and our future. Thank you so much! Janet & Lilly, Sweden
  • 21.1.21 - Thank you SO much for your help with Rupert's faecal water situation. He is like a different horse, much happier, not uncomfortable and churning out less and better formed poos. What more could I wish for?? Barbara & Rupert (Barbara followed our recommended SIBO-CARE/GutAminos/DuoBute/P5P programme)
  • 12.1.21 - Bally has responded well to the SIBO and his poo is now normal in consistency and smell. Many thanks, Sharon

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SIBOCARE *Hindgut Regeneration Programme (Dysbiosis, SIBO, Leaky Gut, FWS)
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