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Product Details

A comprehensive, functional 2-month Mallenders/Sallenders regeneration programme.

⭐ Includes a 5% Discount Combo Rate over the individual items (all available separately in our Mallenders Shop page).

Key Benefits

Comfort management.

Hindgut regeneration and deacidify.

Detoxification organs - liver, kidneys - function.

Fortifying with forage-balanced nutrients.

*Please note this is a nutritional, functional food supplement and not veterinary medicine. See Dr Kellon's Horse Sense - 'Nutrition is not 'Alternative' Therapy.

*For the latest research and updates, see our main Mallenders page.

Image : Powered by EquiNatural . Two happy, safe, recovered rescue ponies, formerly chain-tethered before being rescued by SAFE - Saving Abandoned Fly-Grazing Equines - the equine charity that EquiNatural supports.

Feed Guide


- DuoBute (tincture)

First up, we start alleviating the discomfort. Feed for a couple of days in a p.m. feed to start taking the edge off, then we start the detox, while continuing with the DuoBute until finished.


- SiboCARE - G ut regeneration
- GutAminos - GI membrane reconnection
- P5P - Resets liver function. To be fed ongoing for at least 6-months
- Spirulina - Hindgut mycotoxin binder and deacidifer

In an a.m. feed, start the 1-month course of our SiboCARE alongside the GutAminos and P5P. Add in the Spirulina to help deacidify the hindgut environment and mop up mycotoxins, or you can add it in with the DuoBute if you don't want to overload the feedbowl.

- LKLCARE ( tincture ) - Supports the detoxification organs

Once the 1-month gut programme is finished, we now tone the body's detoxification organs - liver/kidneys/lymph nodes - with a further 1-month course of our LKLCARE.


- EquiVita forage-balanced minerals

Meanwhile we address what's nutritionally missing from the get-go. A horse needs their body's chemistry balanced by correct mineral ratios , because our UK grass/forage is deficient in certain nutrients that a horse needs to thrive. Nutritionally unbalanced forage means a nutritionally unbalanced horse, with the source and nutrient-density of their forage absolutely key to their health.

It’s all about the chemical information from the micronutrients in their forage that radically influences their body's genes, hormones, immune system, central nervous system, brain chemistry, skeletal and soft tissue structure. You name it – everything from mood, energy and physical health of the whole organism (body), at cellular level, with every single bite - all connected.

For full product details and feed guidelines, see the Individual product page (links above). Product labels also carry full feed guidelines.

Top Tip

If your horse is a fussy eater, start slow! A pinch of each at a time and slowly build up.


Supplements of any kind should be fed with caution to the pregnant or nursing mare so always seek veterinary advice.


For overseas enquiries please contact us.

Please ensure that if you're not going to be in to receive your delivery, you let us know of your preferred safe place, i.e. 'Leave in porch', or preferably to leave with a neighbour who you know will be in. There's a dedicated field during the Checkout for you to do this.

Please note that if you're not there to receive delivery, EquiNatural cannot accept responsibility for any loss.

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