ADF COMBO *Alleviate, Detox, & Fortify

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Product Details

A comprehensive, functional 1-month Alleviate Detox Fortify (ADF) regeneration equine health programme.

⭐Includes a 5% Discount Combo Rate over the individual items - all available separately in our Alleviate Detox Fortify Shop page.

Key Benefits

✔️ Alleviates Discomfort and Stress: Supports relief from discomfort and stress-related symptoms.

✔️ Gut and Gastrointestinal Health: Regenerates a healthy gut environment.

✔️ Liver and Kidney Health: Promotes detoxification and tonifying of liver and kidneys function.

✔️ Lymphatics and Circulatory Systems: Cleanses and purifies the lymphatic and blood circulatory systems.

✔️ Immunity and Metabolism: Enhances overall immune function and metabolism.

✔️ Fortifies the Diet with Forage-Balanced Minerals: Provides the essential nutrients missing from our UK forage by balancing the body's chemistry with forage-balanced minerals.

✔️ Rich in Nutrients: Naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Note: ADF Combo is a nutritional, functional food supplement and not veterinary medicine. For more information, refer to Dr. Kellon's Horse SenseDr Kellon's Horse Sense - 'Nutrition is not 'Alternative' Therapy.

* For the latest research and updates, see our main Alleviate, Detox & Fortify page.

Feed Guide

Alleviate - DuoBute & StressTonic (tinctures)

First up, we start alleviating the discomfort and stress. Feed for a couple of days in a p.m. feed to start taking the edge off, then we start the detox, while continuing with the DuoBute & StressTonic until finished.

Detox - OptimaCARE - Our 3-stage detox programme

Our OptimaCARE is a superior 3-stage, synergistic herbal programme of organic functional phytonutrients, known to address gut function and support/tone the body's natural detoxification system.

Fed over 1-month in the a.m. feed, each 'stage' is fed over 10-days, formulated to bring a healthy balance back to the body, specifically addressing gut and immune function, the filtration detoxification organs (lymph nodes, liver and kidneys), and the two circulatory systems (lymph and blood).

Once the course is finished, allow a week for the system to realign, function and strengthen by itself. This will also give you the chance to assess how your horse is, so any symptoms they may then present with can be addressed directly, instead of having to struggle through an overburdened system.

NB. Supports the elimination of toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, toxic moulds etc.

Fortify - EquiVita or VitaComplete (if there's hay in the diet) - Forage-balanced minerals

*Let us know in the comments box during the Checkout process which one you'd prefer

Meanwhile we address what's nutritionally missing from the get-go. A horse needs their body's chemistry balanced by correct mineral ratios , because our UK grass/forage is deficient in certain nutrients that a horse needs to thrive. Nutritionally unbalanced forage means a nutritionally unbalanced horse, with the source and nutrient-density of their forage absolutely key to their health.

It’s all about the chemical information from the micronutrients in their forage that radically influences their body's genes, hormones, immune system, central nervous system, brain chemistry, skeletal and soft tissue structure. You name it – everything from mood, energy and physical health of the whole organism (body), at cellular level, with every single bite - all connected.

For full product details and feed guidelines, see the Individual product page (links above). Product labels also carry full feed guidelines.


Spirulina is an excellent gut-mycotoxin binder and deacidifier. It's recommended to feed a tablespoon/day for 2-weeks to help deacidify the hindgut, especially useful if you've been feeding haylage. Please note that our Spirulina is not included in the ADF Combo.

Top Tip

If your horse is a fussy eater, start slow! A pinch of each at a time and slowly build up.


Supplements of any kind should be fed with caution to the pregnant or nursing mare so always seek veterinary advice.


Please ensure that if you're not going to be in to receive your delivery, you provide us with a preferred safe place for delivery.

EquiNatural cannot accept responsibility for any loss if not received.

For overseas enquiries please contact us.

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ADF COMBO *Alleviate, Detox, & Fortify
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